TV & Video Magazine

TV Ratings: True Blood Season 4 Finale

Posted on the 14 September 2011 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

The numbers are in! We have the final TV ratings of the season!

Check out the True Blood Season 4 finale, “And When I Die” TV ratings below – thanks to!

The fourth-season closer of True Blood delivered 6.2 million viewers total for the night (5.1 million for its first airing, plus the repeat) — down slightly this year after rising last summer. Overall, though, Blood did well this season, hitting a series high with one episode and maintaining its average.

Sooooo…kind of like the season as a whole…the overall ratings were up higher over Season 3, but steadily decreased by the end of Season 4. I wonder why that is…?? (This is a rhetorical question.)

We know EXACTLY why…because THIS was the year most Eric and Sookie lovers have been waiting for. The reason why they went down, was because they turned Sookie into someone viewers (most especially women) could no longer relate to or cheer for, because she is still in love with Beehl (GAGS) after the Rattray reveal of last season and is willing to forgive him for it.

This makes me very bitter, because this is not the Sookie we all know and love! Most of the characters were written on the show OOC. Plus, the storylines had major plot holes, which anyone with two eyes can see!

With very poor writing and subplots, it made True Blood go from good to excellent and to poor in one season! And people wonder why True Blood isn’t nominated for major awards… (rollseyes)

That’s my take on it… What do you think? Share your thoughts below!


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