Fast Company’s Sarah Kessler recently explored our company’s ambitions with MindMeld, stating that our technology “could fulfill the long-held promise of AI.” So what is that promise? The author cites Apple’s Phil Schiller, when he was first introducing Siri back in 2011:
“For decades, technologists have teased us with this dream that you’re going to be able to talk to technology and it will do things for us. But it never comes true.”
Propelled by our frustration with the lack of functional applications built using AI, we are attempting to make that dream come true. According to our founder, it’s a letdown when users have to push a button to get Siri’s attention. Artificially intelligent software can and should get much more intelligent. With our MindMeld app and soon-to-be-released MindMeld API, relevant content can be surfaced proactively — before a user ever has to press a button or type a search query.
Discover how our work with MindMeld is inching us closer to making that futuristic dream a reality.
(Source: Fast Company)