Fashion Magazine

Turning A New Leaf

By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom

This past month has been quite tumultuous. I wanted to break-free of all the rules, schedules, regimes, I had created for myself. I knew they all had a purpose and they were in place to help me stay on track but something in me just wanted to break-free. And so I did. I didn't blog regularly, I didn't workout regularly, I cancelled appointments, I did whatever my heart desired. And it felt SO GOOD. It is so unlike me to behave this way.

However, I still couldn't completely let go. I could hear Type A Tanvi having conversation with Rebel Tanvi and reaching a compromise. The prior convinced the later to run on bare minimum regime: two blog posts a week instead of five, two/three workouts a week instead of six, indulge a little but stick to no refined carbs and 1200 calorie diet. I am not sure when the Type A Tanvi will be back but this change of pace is definitely helping me create some brain space for new ideas and new thoughts. P.S. I am glad that the sensible part of my brain is maintaining some form order even in rebel-mode and that I haven't completely jumped off my balanced lifestyle bandwagon.

Outfit from the weekend brunch date!

Turning A New Leaf

Turning A New Leaf

Turning A New Leaf

Turning A New Leaf

Turning A New Leaf

Turning A New Leaf

Blogger, Stylist, Storyteller, Fitness Enthusiast, Experimental Cook. If you have questions in any of the mentioned areas or have feedback, feel free to contact me at [email protected].

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