We bring you the latest…
We hope this news doesn’t make your stomach “Turn, Turn, Turn”!
Three new cast members have been added to the cast of True Blood in Season 5! These new cast members won their respective roles which are featured in the first episode of the season titled, “Turn, Turn, Turn”!
WARNING: This post may contain spoilers. For those who don’t want to know – please don’t read below!
We have their pictures, along with the part they are going to play below!
Aaron Christian Howles
Aaron Christian Howles [Rocky Cleary]: 16, Caucasian, a hunter, he is Holly’s (Lauren Bowles) eldest son who doesn’t think very highly of Holly…7 lines, 1 scene POSSIBLE RECURRING.
Jamie Gray Hyder
Jamie Gray Hyder [Danielle]: This female werewolf wonders how much longer a prisoner is going to last under interrogation…1 line, 1 scene POSSIBLE RECURING.
Matthew Glen Johnson
Matthew Glen Johnson [Team Captain 1]: Seen in flashback, this 12-year-old boy is a bully who doesn’t pick Sookie for his kick ball team…1 line, 1 scene.
Source: IMDb.com
The last role is the one that concerns us the most, since he will be playing the role of a bully in a flashback scene with Sookie. He seems too cute to be a bully, isn’t he?
As for the others…meh.
What are your thoughts? Share ‘em below!