Gadgets Magazine

Turn Any YouTube Video Into A GIF

Posted on the 03 September 2014 by Palmgear @PalmgearBlog

Want to turn something on YouTube into a GIF, but don’t want to spend time downloading third-party apps or digging around for an online converter?

Here’s a an easy-to-use trick: just add “GIF” to the beginning of the URL. After “www.” and before “”

Like so:


So, for example, you’d turn:


and hit enter.

This isn’t an official YouTube service so there may be some issues down the line but it’s a great, fun tool.

This is a side project by the team behind the super GIF-centric messaging app Glyphic.

One catch: in the current build, you can set the start time and GIF duration, but you can’t get super precise about it. If you want frame-by-frame control for that sweet, sweet perfectly timed loopage, you’ll probably want something like GIFGrabber or GIFBrewery

via HackerNews

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