Fashion Magazine

Tuesday Shoesday – So Many Shoes, So Little Space!

By Cassiefairy @Cassiefairy

If you love shoes the way that I love shoes, you’ll be experiencing the same dilemma that I am. As the shoe ‘collection’ grows and the wardrobe stays the same size, I’m struggling with finding places to stash my footwear. So that’s what this week’s Tuesday Shoesday is all about – sensible storage for not-so-sensible heels!

Let me take you back to the 90s, when it seemed that every girls’ magazine was telling us all to store shoes in their boxes with a little Polaroid photo on the front – ‘it’s so easy to find the pair you want to wear at a glance’. Seeing a neatly organised pile of white shoe boxes, carefully labeled (such as in the photo below) was such an enticing proposition. But did those fashion mag editors really think about the danger of collapsing piles when you reach for the pumps at the bottom of your well-organised stack? And did they consider the ongoing issues of spilled-out tissue-paper, cardboard-corner-tears and the confusion when shock-horror the photos fall off the boxes and your favorite red wedges can only be found by emptying 10 boxes all over the floor..? Plus, my shoes never came in the same matching boxes, and mix-n-matching boxes from Stead and Simpson and Dolcis (remember them?!) meant that I never really achieved that swish, well-organised look.

Closet Fix by Zanellieinbloem Blog shoe boxes with polaroid pictures

Closet Fix from Zanellieinbloem Blog

So, I’ve been looking around for a modern solution to an age-old problem and of course, I turned to Swedish storage specialists Ikea. I always shopped with them as a ‘poor student’ because I lived close to a huge Ikea megastore, I could always find the piece of furniture that I needed, and I could actually afford it with my tiny budget! Well, that budget hasn’t really changed since leaving university, but I have found that I need more storage to make the most of the space in my tiny home. At the moment, my pride-and-joy shoes are dumped in big plastic tubs and hidden away under my bed (and a few are stashed loose under drawers and in the bottom of the wardrobe – not good for scuffs). I always had a dream of having my special heels (the ones that are too pretty and too painful to wear) on display in an illuminated glass cabinet! Well, maybe it’ll come true this year! 

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