Fashion Magazine

Tuesday Shoesday – Fill the Whole World with a Rainbow

By Cassiefairy @Cassiefairy

Taking inspiration from the weather is rarely something that I do, but we’ve been having lots of those changeable weather days recently, when its sunny one minute and throwing it down with rain the next. Pretty bad for making suitable coat decisions, but great for making gorgeous rainbows! I’ve seen loads just recently and I’m getting inspired to focus my shoe search on rainbows this Tuesday Shoesday.

My brother posted this photo of a stacked rainbow platform on my Facebook feed earlier this month (is he trying to say I’m short??) so I’ve used it as a starting point to go looking for other multi-coloured footwear on the high street and here’s what I found:

tuesday shoesday - rainbow shoes and high heels for summer 2013

Let me know what you think about rainbow shoes; do they go with everything or is it more the case that they match nothing?! Either way, I’m a fan of anything bright and colourful, so I’m going to be saving up for these sparkly beauties that I found on ebay – I have a big anniversary party coming up and I think they’d be just right!

ebay rainbow shoes

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