Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature hosted at That Artsy Reader Girl. Each week you compile a list of ten books, which coincide with that week there! You can find everything you need to know about joining in here!
It's been some time since I felt motivated enough to do a Top Ten Tuesday post. I've just been feeling super-lazy of late.
But this week's theme is books guaranteed to put a smile on your face. And since I have just come off reading two books, which did exactly that, I thought I'd participate in this week's tag.
Here is a list of books that never fail to cheer me up.

- Alexander McCall Smith's books - I love his Precious Ramotswe series, and now I have also fallen in love with his 44 Scotland Street stories. Always cheerful and optimistic, without being inane, I love his books.
- Remember Me? by Sophie Kinsella - Actually all her books put a smile to my face, but I specifically love Remember Me?
- Cotillion by Georgette Heyer - Another humorous author I love. Her romances are amazing, and Cotillion, in specific is a riot.
- My Family and Other Animals by Gerald Durrell - I always love books about animals, and this has been a childhood favorite that has carried over into adulthood as well.
- Marley and Me by John Grogan - I read this book when we were first going to bring a Labrador into our house. I can't say it reassured us about our choice of dog breed, but I did laugh at all Marley's antics, even if I am now thankful our Coco is not as dumb as Marley.
- Moving Pictures by Terry Pratchett - I mention Moving Pictures on this list, but all of Pratchett's Discworld series of books would fall on this list. I love his zany sense of humor.
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams - I still remember bemusedly perusing this title at my local library nearly 20 years ago wondering what it's all about. Well, the story is nothing much, but it did provide a few hours of laugh out loud amusement. Even now, the thought of Arthur Dent traveling through the galaxy with his trusty towel brings a smile to my face.
- One for the Money by Janet Evanovich - I have been scathing about the later books in the Stephanie Plum series but the first few were a laugh riot. I just wish the author had quit while she was ahead instead of dragging out the series and making it so unfunny in the later books.
- The case of the missing servant by Tarquin Hall - This is the first book of a comedic mystery series set in India. Detective Vish Puri and his travails balancing work with his wife and family's demands is amusing. Tarquin Hall has a keen eye for the humorous, and gently pokes fun at some of our local Indian eccentricities without being
- Something Fresh by P.G.Wodehouse - There is no way I can complete this series without mentioning P.G.Wodehouse. Sure, his books are a bit repetitive but I don't mind that one bit. I particularly love his Blandings books. The first one Something Fresh is not his best, but keep going down that list, this series only gets better with each installment.
What books do you look for when you want something humorous/light/happy?
44 Scotland StreetAlexander McCall SmithCotillionDouglas AdamsGeorgette HeyerGerald DurrellJanet EvanovichJohn GroganMarley and meMoving PicturesMy Family and Other AnimalsOne for the MoneyP.G.WodehouseRemember MeSomething FreshSophie KinsellaTarquin HallTerry PratchettThe Case of the Missing ServantThe hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy