Books Magazine

Trying out Yoast’s New How-to Block

Posted on the 26 September 2020 by Hmcurator
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Earlier this month, I read about Yoast‘s latest effort to integrate structured data into WordPress. They created a Gutenberg block to post how-to content.

I was eager to try out the new block, but did not have any how-to posts ready to be created. Going through my existing content, I decided to update the Gutenberg block error post as a how-to block. I think the result is visually pleasing, and Google’s Rich Results Test now shows How-to markup. My only complaint is that I could not find a way to adjust the size of the images added to each step of the how-to process. Hopefully Yoast continues to refine and enhance this great new feature. I look forward to creating more how-to posts!

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