The A-10 program would be cut.
This is the most effective ground support aircraft in history.
This important subject is being trampled by the government controlled media
I just wasted time searching for anyone credible to weigh in on Chuck Hagel’s military cutbacks. I got links to articles on ABC, BBC, Mother Jones, in short, everyone I would not trust.
There is a little on CBN News and, but nobody’s cutting to the chase on this subject. So lacking anything satisfying, I will share a couple of random thoughts. Now I write this as Rush Limbaugh is beginning on the subject.
- For some reason, the President seems determined to disarm our military.
- Obama is also weaponing-up internal agencies, like IRS, USPS and NOAA, that have no business carrying arms.
- He’s giving insane money into entitlements, while flinging the doors wide open to any kind of rabble to invade our country to snap up the freebies.
- Members of the government seem to continue to feel safe from the results of their actions, as if the days of suffering foreign invasion are in the past, and as if the French revolution could never be repeated.
Your weather man will be weaponed up like Rambo.
Now I believe that after Rush Limbaugh has addressed this story, everyone will start coming around with better responses. And I know that my list above does nothing to help, but simple lays out some thoughts.
Right at this moment I feel like a man who was assaulted ten minutes earlier, lying in the street bleeding, who still can’t bring his perspective into clarity. I think this condition is due to how extremely serious an abuse Hagel’s plans really are.
And so, still stunned, I respectfully ask our readers to share all insights on this subject. ~ TD
China wants to know
Russia is interested
Iran’s getting excited
A fat little dictator in North Korea just got over his erectile disfunction
Future Social Security recipients are coming in by the trainload