Friday, March 24, 2006 at 7:43 PM EST
I tell the truth most of the time, and i say most of the time because sometimes it is necessary to tell little white lies. You may be in a situation where you have to lie in order to save your life. You may lie to avoid a confrontation that would otherwise get you into trouble, or you may tell a lie because you don’t want to be bothered with someone or something, and so on. Those are what you call harmless lies.
I am a very honest person and don’t believe in lying as a habit or as a way to get by in life. To me, the truth is very important. Lies don’t do anything but cause confusion. There are people who tell lies everyday. They lie to themselves, to others, and they lie on others.
Deliberately spreading lies is something that i have never understood with certain people. Some do it just to hold a conversation, and some do it to harm a person. In my opinion, it isn’t a healthy thing when someone takes the time out to create up a bunch of lies. Everybody knows that there are some that set out to tell big lies on others due to their feelings of hatred and jealousy but that is not right. In fact, it is sick. Lies can and have gotten people killed. Some don’t care as long as their big lies get them what they want or where they want to go in life.
Some are easy to detect when they are lying. They can be so transparent. Even when you catch them in their lies they’ll deny it. But what sometimes burns me up is when you know that you are telling the truth and someone else accuses you of being a liar. Some people just don’t believe or want to hear the truth. And, some are just accustomed to the certain way things usually seem to go and turn out in life that it is hard, or maybe even incomprehensible for them to acknowledge as possible.
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I have to admit that i also tell lies in my life, increasingly more to my parents these years as i don’t want to worry them with what i’m doing for they always seem to be at odds with me,hence i decided to tell them only the good things the happy things and keep to myself the troubles,etc. For people brought up in a totally different culture, it’s difficult to imagine how much pressure it may cause if you want to be a filial daughter as well as living your own life. After my attempts to convince them failed, i resort to telling lies or not telling the truth. But my conscience often eats at me. I know sooner or later, i will have to face myself,my family and the shame that my parents think that i would have caused them. Right now i’m doing my best that will help lessen “the shame” or counteract it when the day comes.
Posted by amber on Friday, March 24, 2006 9:03 AM EST