Business Magazine

Trump Wants You to Accept All of This as Normal (shared)

Posted on the 29 October 2024 by Phil's Stock World @philstockworld

The former president is psychologically preparing Americans for an assault on the electoral system.

By Anne Applebaum, The Atlantic

In the final week of this election season, the Republican Party is running two different campaigns. One of them is an ugly and angry but conventional political enterprise. Donald Trump and other Republicans make speeches; party operatives seek to get out the vote; money is spent in swing states; television and radio advertisements proliferate. The people running that campaign are focused on winning the election.

Last night, in New York City's Madison Square Garden, we caught a glimpse of the other campaign. This is the campaign that is psychologically preparing Americans for an assault on the electoral system, a second January 6, if Trump doesn't win-or else an assault on the political system and the rule of law if he does...

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