"True friends may be apart in distance but never in heart"University this term has been the best six months ever. I have met the most amazing people and got to have great adventures with them, even if it is just chilling doing nothing together, it was the best. With being at a University that has a large population of international students and students that are only there for a year or a term comes the heart break of saying 'see you later'. I refuse to say goodbye cause I will see them soon! I met some of the most amazing, inspirational and kind hearted people this term and at the end of May had to say our 'see you laters'. I know that I will be friends with them for life and we keep in constant contact (thank you snapchat!).
This term has shown me too live each day with passion and a purpose. Make that day worth getting up for. Even if it is doing nothing but being around people or going on an adventure or catching up on that to-do list that just keeps getting longer!
If you had asked me at Christmas if I was an introvert or extrovert, I would have said introvert, ask me now and I will say extrovert. Being around good people gives me energy and makes me so happy, I will sit ten minutes on my own and be like...where are the people, lets go to the people! I am the happiest I have ever been and that's down to the people I know and love and that I feel love back from, they are super!
You would be surprised what you can do with no money and great people, I saw more of the city in 4 months than I have seen in 20 years! When people can make you feel special just by being there and wanting to spend time with you, and you would give them all the time in the world, they are the best friends anyone could ever ask for.
Luckily they all aren't international students and this year I have found a best friend for life and we are going to be flatmate next year, I know it is going to be such a blast and I can not wait!!

Laura x