The fine folks at True Blood teased us earlier to tune in before HBO’s Game of Thrones for a new season 5 promo. And like the ever faithful, we tuned in to hopefully to see our Favorite Couple Eric and Sookie.. aka Sooric … to help us make waiting suck a little less.
What we got was…. Sookicide… and that waitingsucks. Which is true, because i really wanted some Eric and Sookie goodness.
If you haven’t seen the clip yet… check it out here
What do you think of Sookicide? What do you think of Alcide telling Sookie about KRE being on the loose? And how about Sookie’s reaction?
Did you feel like you were missing something? Like the extended part of the promo that is only available on HBOgo… with Lafayette!
Sadly we do not have the video of Laffy and Alcide “chatting” it up in Sookie’s kitchen. But thanks to Barb at we are able to give you some screen caps from it.
Click here to see the rest of the screen caps!
Sound off below and tell us what you think!