It wouldn’t be right for us not to mark the final True Blood DVD releases coming next week, we’ve managed to hold on through everything else life in this fandom has thrown at us, and this will surely be the last time there will be anything new to report regarding our Viking Vampire God, Eric Northman.
Vanity Fair and EW have got in on the Blu-ray promotion by posting a couple of short clips from behind the scenes on the final days of the show. For someone like me who is still in denial about Eric having left us forever, they aren’t particularly enjoyable viewing but I guess in time I’ll find them nostalgic. And both briefly feature Alexander Skarsgard. Firstly there is “Tricks of the Trade”
And secondly a look at some of the final wraps. It’s cruelly ironic that Alex’s last scene on set was with Anna, a scene which ended with Eric and Sookie flying away together (pretty much how I would have loved the actual show to end).
I will be going down to my local store tomorrow to buy a DVD, but it won’t be True Blood, it will be the latest X Men movie (also out in the UK tomorrow), a thoroughly enjoyable couple of hours that I can’t wait to see again. True Blood season 7? Right now I can wait, I hope in time I can find something to love there, and it will feel strange for the first time ever that I don’t pick up the DVD on its release day, but as I’m still very unhappy with Eric’s ending (Brian Buckner completely ignoring 5 seasons of character development from Alan Ball to put Eric right back where he started), I’m not yet prepared to sit through it again.
If anyone is planning to add the final season to their DVD collection it is out in the UK tomorrow and in the US day after, along with the entire 7 Season Box Set.