Our next door neighbor is a dog kennel. Yeah that’s right, a dog kennel with 100 + dogs every weekend and quite a few during the week. Let’s just say it can get a tad noisy but it has always been manageable because the kennel buildings are a little ways away from where our house is located on our property. Then, within the last year, the house on the dog kennel property got rented. The house is located pretty close to ours on the adjoining lot. Those individuals have dogs that use a run VERY close to our house. As a matter of fact, there is a narrow strip of pines and brush that separate their dog run from our chicken house. Frequently their dogs bark, and bark alot. But, we haven’t said much.
This leads me to our new problem. Our hens, all 14 of them, really like to venture across the tree line and hang out in the neighbor’s shady yard. They don’t eat much- except the bugs but I guess this is starting to bother the neighbor. Now it seems we need to install some sort of barrier in the tree line to deter our hens from venturing into the neighbors yard. I’m wondering what kind of barrier they can construct to keep their obnoxious barking dogs loud noise at their house instead of in ours.