I suppose it's time to bump off our Chelsea coverage from the top of our blog posts with another look into the Geneva Botanical Garden, focusing this time on their Tropical Glasshouse.

Before that, a little update on what's been happening in our garden in the last week or so, just after coming back from Chelsea...
Basically I have been doing a lot of repotting, focusing on our display for this year on the top patio. It's amazing how time consuming repotting can be especially if you have a large plant collection and plenty of new pots to put them into. The moment we got back from the show, we went straight out into the garden and only sorted out the posts once it got dark. Then every evening after work, good weather or not we were out in the garden. I think we've only seen a couple of BBC's coverage of the show, preferring to be out instead. And last bank holiday, guess what, we spent the entire three days mainly gardening, bliss!
I haven't been good in taking photos along the way though and for all intentions was hoping to take some snaps of our progress but weather was adverse this evening and not good for taking photos.
So we'll go back to Geneva instead!
Anyway, we have featured their Flower Clock first then the Temperate Glasshouse of Geneva Botanical Garden. Now it's the turn of the Tropical Glasshouse.
Just outside of it, are a couple of carnivorous beds, a living wall, waterlily pond, and some succulent planting along the edge of the glasshouse...

Winter protection??

Then as you enter, the heat and humidity hits you as expected and get to see a rather cute sitting room vignette...

Beyond that is a small yet well presented collection of tropical plants...

Plant Hunter's 'camp'

Nice glasshouse and plants, however my favorite bit of it is their paving...

If the weather here continues to be adverse then I'll feature their Winter Garden Glasshouse next. If not then it'll be our garden next!
Mark :-)