Baseball Magazine

Trivia Q&A: September 4

By Theomnipotentq @TheMightyQuinn
It was another hot night in New York, and just coming off a holiday weekend, we had just 9 teams in for Trivia last night. They was kind of expected, as holiday weekends usually keep the regulars away. But we did have a very good night of Trivia. It was the night for I'm Playing With Myself Again, who was Ken from DIMS playing solo for the second straight week. He had an off week last week, but he bounced back strong last night, getting the win with 45 points. Congrats to him on his first solo win.
Second place went to Pullover? No, It's a Cardigan But Thanks For Noticing! finished with 40 points, and Michael Cohen Legal Defense Fund (who also won for Best Team Name) finished third with 38 points.
Current Events
1. What car company is investing $500 million in Uber as part of a deal to team up to make self-driving cars?
2. What weekly newspaper announced last Friday that they are ceasing online publication and it will no longer exist after 63 years?
3. Amazon announced that "A Rainy Day in New York", a new film by what director, won't be released in 2018 and perhaps ever due to the filmmaker's controversial past?
4. Bishop Charles Ellis, who led Aretha Franklin's funeral last Friday, apologized to what pop singer after he was accused on social media of groping her breast on stage at the funeral?
5. What superstar rock singer suffered a complete loss of voice and his band had to cancel a show in Berlin last Saturday night?
6. Two American tourists were stabbed last Friday night in what European capital city in what officials there believe was a terrorist motive by the suspect?
7. What comedy/drama film topped the box office in the US for the third straight weekend, making it the fourth film in 2018 to do that?
Q-Tip Trivia
1. Which of these US states has less than 1 million in population as of 2010? a. Hawaii; b. Wyoming; c. Idaho; d. Rhode Island.
2. Which of these US presidents also served as vice-president? a. Thomas Jefferson; b. Richard Nixon; c. Calvin Coolidge; d. FDR.
3. Which of the following TV series are currently on HBO? a. Billions; b. Game of Thrones; c. The Deuce; d. The Affair.
4. Which of these rock icons died outside the United States? a. Jim Morrison; b. Sid Vicious; c. Kurt Cobain; d. Jimi Hendrix.
5. For which films has Jennifer Lawrence received Academy Award nominations? a. American Hustle; b. Passengers; c. Joy; d. The Hunger Games.
6. Which of the following cities have a team in all four major sports (MLB, NFL, NBA, NHL)? a. Seattle; b. Atlanta; c. Cleveland; d. Houston.
7. Which of the following areas of New York City are found in the borough of Queens? a. Tottenville; b. Gravesend; c. Norwood; d. Bellerose.
The Q Train: British Terms Trivia
1. Boot
2. Trainer
3. Jumper
4. Braces
5. Brolly
6. Spanner
7. Wellies
8. Nappy
9. Swede
10. Drawing pin
General Knowledge
1. What city hosted the first crew of the TV series "The Real World?" ( 1 pt)
2. Which James Bond actor wore a toupee in every James Bond movie? ( 1 pt)
3. Route 66 begins in what midwestern state? ( 1 pt)
4. What southern US state is home to a chain of islands known as the Outer Banks? ( 2 pt)
5. What European capital city sits on the Spree River? ( 2 pt)
6. Peter Gene Hernandez is thereal name of what current American singer/songwriter? ( 2 pt)
7. What Jewish holiday was instituted by Queen Esther and Mordecai? ( 3 pt)
IQ Trivia
1. The phrase "hoist with his own petard" first appeared in what Shakespeare work? ( 4 points)
2. Krav Maga is a self-defense and fighting system that originated in what country? ( 4 points)
3. In 1997, what company did Microsoft help with a $150 million investment? ( 3 points)
4. "The Crazy 88s" was the name of a Japanese gang in what 2003 action film? ( 4 points)
5. What 2016 film was the first movie to be nominated for Best Picture that was distributed by a streaming service, Amazon Studios? ( 5 points)
Current Events
1. Toyota; 2. The Village Voice; 3. Woody Allen; 4. Ariana Grande; 5. Bono; 6. Amsterdam; 7. "Crazy Rich Asians."
Q-Tip Trivia
1. b; 2. a,b,c; 3. b,c; 4.a,d; 5. a,c; 6. none; 7. d.
The Q Train: British Terms Trivia
1. Trunk (of a car); 2. sneaker; 3. sweater; 4. suspenders; 5. umbrella; 6. wrench; 7. boots; 8. diaper; 9. turnip; 10. thumbtack.
General Knowledge
1. New York City; 2. Sean Connery; 3. Illinois; 4. North Carolina; 5. Berlin; 6. Bruno Mars; 7. Purim.
IQ Trivia
1. "Hamlet"; 2. Israel; 3. Apple; 4. "Kill Bill V.1"; 5. "Manchester By The Sea."

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