I’ve always been dedicated to the idea of this as the time of year for spooky fun. So every year I collect all the spooky, creepy or scary content from the previous year into one place just before Halloween. If you’ve come to my blog in the past year, or don’t remember previous editions, they are “Trick or Treat”, “More Trick or Treat“, “Tricks and Treats“, “This Trick’s a Treat”, “Tricky Treats“, “A Trickle of Treats”, and “Tricking and Treating“. Horror, death or Halloween-themed columns of the past year include “Diary #489“, “The Shaver Connection“, “No Explanation“, and the short story “Let There Be Dark“; there are creepy or spooky-fun videos in Links #486, #487, #509, #530, and #537; and here’s a collection of spooky or Halloweeny links:
- It’s alive! ALIVE!
- A seasonal prank.
- R.I.P. Stuart Gordon.
- Nightmare of the week.
- I hate it when this happens.
- Trick-or-treating while black.
- Post-imperial tombs don’t count.
- The perfect authoritarian candidate.
- That is not dead which can eternal lie…
- Promising headline; disappointing story.
- And y’all mocked that guy for protecting himself.
- This season was written in part by Ray Bradbury.
- Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn.
- The world would be better if we elected more dead politicians.