Art & Design Magazine

Tribute to Nekst

By Ukstreetart @ukstreetart

12oz nekst 1xrun print 1 664x499 526x394 Tribute to Nekstrip nekst the london vandal 0013 526x349 Tribute to Nekst

Just before Christmas the international graffiti realm suffered a huge loss with the passing of Nekst. He was a dedicated graffiti artist, member of MSK (Mad Society Kings), and he dominated the scene in which ever city he showed up in.

nekst1 526x350 Tribute to Nekst

rip nekst the london vandal 0024 526x350 Tribute to Nekst

Nekst had been painting graffiti with unmatched levels of dedication for what was nearing twenty years - leaving his home in Houston, Texas to spread his name US-wide and internationally. He kept the spirit of bombing alive in the almost forgotten rebellious, balls to the wall, illegal fashion that the culture was founded on and he will be truly missed.

nekst2 526x350 Tribute to Nekst

nekst3 526x260 Tribute to Nekst

“My work has always been about scale and visibility” he once stated in an interview. For each of his pieces, his choice of structure, colors, size and location was always meticulously planned, legible and in high traffic areas.

nekst5 526x321 Tribute to Nekst

Since his passing there have been many tributes to him and I have been fortunate enough to view ones from the likes of Aroe (MSK) and Kemef Inc.

Artist: Aroe (MSK)

aroe1 526x296 Tribute to Nekst

Artist: Mef

mef 526x227 Tribute to Nekst

If you do require anymore information then please take the time to check the links out at the bottom of this post.

Artist: Kem

kem 526x325 Tribute to Nekst

Thanks for taking the time to read this post and RIP Nekst.

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