Lifestyle Magazine

Trending Tuesday: Denim Jumpsuit

By Alexa Alfonso @lexlovescouture
Trending Tuesday: Denim Jumpsuit

Denim jumpsuits originated in the 1970's, made a brief reappearance at the turn of the century, and now these babies are making a come back. They are popping up in your favorite stores and on your favorite celebrities-why haven't you gotten one yet?

A denim jumpsuit is the perfect spring item because it can be worn right now with a leather jacket and you can wear it all the way into the summer as the weather changes. It looks great casually with a pair of sneakers or dressed up with a pair of sexy heels. Denim jumpsuits are essentially a blank canvas that you can style anyway that you want to!

Seriously, what are you waiting for? Go buy one! The jumpsuit below is only $30!

Trending Tuesday: Denim Jumpsuit

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