Things You Can Do on Your Own
Rodents that live in the wild or those habituating in city sewers and other dirty places have very harmful bites. For example, rats bite (deep or not) can already lead to various serious skin irritations and infections; the most common illness caused by such is the rat-bite fever. In the event that you are bitten by a rat, it is important that you immediately seek for medical attention -- while waiting for the right treatment, be sure to sanitize the affected area by washing it with soap and water; apply disinfecting cream if it is available. Read through the steps given below to learn more about treating rat bites.

1. Stay away from wild rats!
The most effective way to avoid being bitten by a rat is by staying away from them. You should not approach or touch a wild rat even if it looks tame or scared. Although it is already an established fact that rats and other rodents are generally afraid of humans, some rats can be quite aggressive and would attack whenever an opportunity comes along. Pet rats belong to a special case since these rodents are already very used to human presence. These rodents may not bite on normal circumstances, but when they are frightened and improperly handled, they might also scratch or bite their handler. If rat interaction is inevitable, it is most advised that you wear protective gloves.
2. Be alert all the time.
In case a rat has already bitten someone near you, by virtue of common sense, you should be cautious and find a way to avoid contact with the offending rat. Look for a pair of protective gloves and catch the rat before it hurts anyone else. If it is not your type to catch angry rats, better stay out of the way and let those who are willing to take charge do their task.
3. Act quickly.
If you are the victim, find a way to stop the bleeding of the affected area. As much as possible, do not use a tourniquet especially if the bleeding is not that severe. Do this while you look for soap and water. It might sting, but you need to thoroughly clean the wound -- inside and out. If you are not willing to endure the sting, you might only experience irritation afterwards. Dry the wound and cover with sanitized dressing. If you have an antibiotic cream at home, apply the cream on the wound first so that the dressing will not stick into the wound once it starts to dry out. It is almost very certain that the infected area will swell, thus, if it is your finger, you'd better remove all your rings to avoid future problems. Other signs of infection apart from swelling are reddening, pus and hot feeling around the area.
4. Consult a doctor.
You can never tell just how serious the wound is unless you go and see a doctor; stitches might be necessary for some wounds. Moreover, if the bite is deep enough, it might even cause serious infections. Thus, the opinion of a professional medical practitioner is indeed indispensible. Some people also seek for professional help in cases when they are bitten on the face, legs or hands as these wounds may lead to scarring.
Rat Trivia
While rat bites can cause serious illnesses like the famous rat-bit fever, it is extremely rare for them or other rodents to transmit rabies via their bites. Foxes, bats and skunks are some of the animals that can most likely spread rabies with their bites.
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