For the past few months I’ve been lucky to have my grandparents from Portugal here. Some didn’t have the fortune to have met their grandparents, while others live nearby or a short plane ride away. Then there are those who are first generation born in America, like myself, and whose family lives on the opposite side of the world. On the upside, I am fortune to have traveled to Portugal and had worldly experiences many don’t ever get their entire lives, but it also means I don’t often see my family, sometimes going over a year without seeing the face of the voice on the phone. It was a tough year for my family, losing two very dear members, a big reason my grandparents came to spend some time with us. For me, I was lucky to have spent everyday with them, savoring the moments I presently have with them, as life is short and I don’t know when my next visit to Portugal will be. From the simplest thing of daily family dinners, to taking them to the Turtle Back Zoo on one of the first days Spring decided to shed some warmth on our harsh winter. I’m not a fan of zoos, but spending time with my grandparents watching as my grandmother laughed at her first sight of prairie dogs and just being in the moment with them was everything I wanted. As they near the last days of their visit, I’ll be taking advantage of my final moments with them for a while, and leave you with a few snippets of our afternoon.