Read Pt. 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9 // 10 // 11 // 12 // 13 // 14
The second half of the Norway in a Nutshell tour consisted of a cruise through Aurlandsfjord and on the narrow Nærøyfjord, a bus ride to Voss, and then a short train ride back to Bergen. The cruise was obviously the highlight I had been waiting for (Although, buying a Voss water bottle IN Voss was pretty awesome). So myself and the other eager tourists hopped on the boat and prepared our cameras for what was sure to be the cruise of a lifetime.
I could hardly decide where to look as we rode through the Fjord. There was a waterfall in every direction and the cutest towns lining the shore. As we rode, I daydreamed about how it would be to live in one of these towns. With a waterfall in your backyard and another one just across the way, it can hardly be that tough of a life.
The cruise was a great time for me to get to know some strangers. I met a few amazing people, including a group of tourists from Utah, of all places, and a girl who had just met her 30 countries before her 30th birthday goal - in Norway (She's now made it to many more. Check out her cute insta: @karennyleen). There was also the lone Japanese boy who didn't speak very much english (and I don't know any Japanese), but we took turns taking each others pictures and communicated as best we could, as well as the elderly man who instead of spending his retirement in a home, decided to travel for the rest of his life (my kind of people).
I could hardly believe I was checking this off of my bucket list; that I had finally made it to my dream destination... And I must tell you - it was better than I had ever imagined.

After the tour was over, it was time to hit the sack and prepare for yet another long day of travel... But of course, not before one last morning spent exploring Bergen.
To be continued...