Entertainment Magazine

Transmedia Storytelling Webinar Receives 2011 IMA Award

Posted on the 04 October 2011 by Drpamelarutledge @pamelarutledge
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The webinar I created with colleague Dr. Bonnie Buckner for UCI Extension, “The Power of Transmedia Storytelling: Persuasive Communications Across Emerging Technologies,” won the best webinar content award from the Internet Marketing Association. We created it for the course we developed and teach on Transmedia Storytelling and Marketing for UCI Extension’s Internet Marketing Certificate Program.IMA 2011 Award Best Webinar Content

I am excited to have our work acknowledged by this award because, for me, effective transmedia marketing is a way of viewing the world before it becomes a strategy. It’s a willingness to think multi-dimensionally and acknowledge the psychological shifts in individuals that have totally redefined what it means to be a customer. Transmedia storytelling, as I see it, uses storytelling to bridge narrative, branding, persuasion, and media psychology with emerging and traditional media for coherent, authentic, and engaging communication. See the full press release.

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