Set in an entirely new universe, Overwatch takes place in an advanced futuristic earth where a task force of soldiers, scientists, adventurers team up to save the earth from a global crisis. Featuring Blizzard’s signature easy-to-learn, hard-to-master gameplay, Overwatch puts “emphasis on accessibility and pure fun.” The game also features a cast of heroes with different set of abilities and weapons.
- Tracer, a former British test pilot who shrugs at danger, can execute impossible acrobatic assaults thanks to her ability to teleport, drop energy bombs, and even reverse time.
- Reinhardt, a hulking German soldier in battle armor, can charge great distances and pin his enemies to a wall or slam the ground with his rocket hammer to knock them off their feet.
- Hanzo, a bow-wielding Japanese mercenary, has the ability to scale walls with his bare hands, fire off a tracking device that illuminates nearby enemies for his team, and unleash a huge spirit dragon that does grievous damage to all enemies in its path.
- Symmetra, an Indian architech, manipulates light and energy to shield her allies and damage her enemies—and she can turn the tide of any battle by building a device that instantly transports her teammates to the front lines.
“Overwatch is our take on a vibrant, near-future universe with amped-up characters and action-packed team-based gameplay,” said Mike Morhaime, CEO and co-founder of Blizzard Entertainment. “Our goal with Overwatch is to create an awesome FPS experience that’s more accessible to a much wider audience while delivering the action and depth that shooter fans love.”
The game will be open for testing at BlizzCon before the beta testing begin in 2015. Check out the gameplay trailer after the break.
[Via: AGB / YouTube ]
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Follow @nrjperera – Roshan Jerad Perera