Entertainment Magazine

Tracy Shedd: Going Somewhere

Posted on the 27 March 2022 by Hctf @hctf
Tracy Shedd: Going Somewherephoto: Scott Madgett

Singer Tracy Shedd has kept herself busy with other musical projects recently. After the release of her sprawling single Mantra in May 2020, she had turned her attention to helping other artists and contributing a track to the Luz de Vida II: A Compilation to Benefit Homicide Survivors album. But going out on her own is an itch that needs scratching, so now it is time for another single, the light-at-the-end optimistic Going Somewhere.

Her vocal delivery is totally-at-ease. After stepping up to the mike for a little over two decades, she is in control of her art, letting the notes flow freely within the confines of the melody. Her husband James Tritten added guitar, bass, percussion, and drum machine to fill out the sound of her own guitar and keyboards. James Sardone (Brickbat, Loose Jets) supplied backing vocals.

Going Somewhere is released via Fort Lowell Records.

» tracyshedd.com

HCTF review of Mantra.

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