Gardening Magazine

Tracking the Radishes

By Jules
One of the many things I love about growing my own produce is seeing how things progress almost on a daily basis. And that's where photos come in - particularly digital ones. You can snap away all through the spring, summer and autumn and see how things are growing and changing. Dates are no problem, as most digital photography systems automatically assign the date and time to each image file so the info is always there to see. I also like seeing how further on (or far behind) I am from one year to the next. It acts as a prompt for sowing times - reminding me to get a move on usually. And it always give me a little self-satisfied thrill to know that the progress is down to me - the seeds I sowed, the seedlings I watered, the plants I tended.
As radishes are usually the quickest thing to develop in the suburban veg plot, here's the progress thus far for Radish Scarlet Globe sown in situ 12 March.
First photo taken 25 March:
tracking the radishes
and this one taken on 6 April:
tracking the radishes
All this talk of dates is now reminding me to sow another pot this weekend if I'm to keep myself in radishes throughout the summer!

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