Entertainment Magazine

Track Of The Day: Towns - 'Gone Are The Days'

Posted on the 09 June 2014 by Rw/ff @rwffmusic
Track Of The Day: Towns - 'Gone Are The Days'How many bands can you think of that split immediately after releasing their debut album? Weston-Super-Mare four piece Towns had been championed by many over their short career, which has come to an unexpected end today with an announcement of their break-up. Combining vibrant melodies and ear-thrilling pop hooks with elevating shoegaze guitars and psych atmospheres, their debut album 'Get By' was released only last week on Howling Owl Records. Due to working on reviews for new albums by James and The Phantom Band within the same week, I am actually still in the process of completing my write-up on 'Get By'. Certainly the first time that a band has split up before I've had the chance to finish writing about their album! 

Here is a statement from the band:

"We are sad to inform you all TOWNS have decided to call it a day. We have had a wonderful 3 years but it is time for us to all move on and explore new things. I would like to thank everyone who has ever supported us, believed in us, shared the beers, gave us a floor and showed us a good time. A big thank you to Joe and Adrian at Howling Owl Records for putting out our album. Gareth White, Rory Attwell, Owen Morris, Chris Fraser, Lewis Jamieson and Billy Burrell for there time and energy.Finally a huge thanks to Dom Mitchison who poured his heart into the making of our album. We are eternally indebted to all of you i can't thank you all enough. 

No dead flowers, here we go to another candle that i know.
Big Love TOWNS X"

Their career may have been troubled (booking agents stealing £1000 of their money, their former record label being swallowed by a major) and short, but 'Get By' doubles up as a superb legacy for this great band who just didn't get the support they deserved from the increasingly clueless music industry. Hopefully their reputation will grow with time... Here's the shimmering rock n roll headrush of (the appropriately named) 'Gone Are The Days', a burst of Primal Scream-esque vitality. Goodbye Towns, and good luck for the future...

Track Of The Day: Towns - 'Gone Are The Days'

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