After an ecstatically received series of reunion shows in 2017, the techno giants have spent 2018 playing a string of high-profile festival dates and headline shows across Europe. Having rebuilt their partnership as a live force, the new record displays that their future is bright in terms of creativity and continued relevance.
The full length album version of the slightly Daft Punk-like 'The End Is Nigh' dips into techno-funk, lit up by brightly sizzling pads that beam across its thick beats.While Monsters Exist starts and ends without much clarity, everything in between shows the duo hitting with full force. The deluxe edition features a number of excellent tracks that would be more than worthy of inclusion on the main record, and adds to a package that more than makes up for the duo's six year absence. Strange, varied and admirably fresh, Monsters Exist is a great addition to the Orbital catalog and one of the decade's best electronic albums.
Read the full review HERE, where you can also listen to the album in full.