Entertainment Magazine

Track Of The Day: Neville Skelly - 'Falling Leaves'

Posted on the 26 March 2014 by Rw/ff @rwffmusic
Track Of The Day: Neville Skelly - 'Falling Leaves'This album was released over a month ago and I'm only just featuring a Track Of The Day from it now! Why? Because as I have said before, I only select what I know is the very best new music around. It took me two weeks to really absorb this album, and now I am at the point where I know what the best tracks are from it. I could have just rushed it and featured any old song, but I work hard to ensure RW/FF readers don't miss out on the best stuff. The second album from Liverpool singer songwriter Neville Skelly is a warming collection of songs highlighting his gift for graceful balladeering and hushed moods. Featuring a couple of relatives from The Coral and partly inspired by his experiences of being a father, 'Carousel' is an intimate, heartfelt record which has an atmosphere that could partly be attributed to it being recorded in the kitchen of a terraced house. Skelly's alluring croon recalls echoes of John Martyn on the gentle acoustic breeze of 'Falling Leaves', one of the LP's most captivating moments. Read my full album review HERE.

Track Of The Day: Neville Skelly - 'Falling Leaves'

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