Entertainment Magazine

Track Of The Day: M O N E Y - 'Goodnight London'

Posted on the 14 October 2013 by Rw/ff @rwffmusic
Track Of The Day: M O N E Y - 'Goodnight London'The main point of 'Track Of The Day' is to bring readers the very best music from recent times, and although this is from an album that was released back in August, I believe that good music should still be talked about long after the initial buzz has faded. Thanks to the internet, music moves too fast these days and things get forgotten about too quickly. I try to keep things in the spotlight for longer than most blogs do. 

Manchester-based quartet MONEY's debut album 'The Shadow Of Heaven' is full of gorgeous tranquil moods, heavenly ripples of guitar and an evident sincerity in the vocals that never once comes across as pretend. The delicate hush of 'Goodnight London' is one of those bare bones moments where you could probably hear a pin drop in the space between the careful piano chords and the perfectly delivered words, a superb display of dynamic intricacy. Perfectly capturing the essence of a rainy night on quiet city streets, this is quite simply beautiful.

Track Of The Day: M O N E Y - 'Goodnight London'

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