Entertainment Magazine

Track Of The Day: Drowners - 'Luv, Hold Me Down'

Posted on the 02 December 2013 by Rw/ff @rwffmusic
Track Of The Day: Drowners - 'Luv, Hold Me Down'An upbeat and sweetly melodic piece of indie pop brilliance from the rising four piece Drowners. In the summer of 2011, Drowners frontman Matthew Hitt found himself in New York City, the place where the Welsh born singer feels most at home. “I just like the way things look here. I like the way things are done here. I like how late everything happens,” he says. New York’s signature up-all-night energy courses through Drowners’ self-titled debut, which is due for release January 27 2014. “The early songs came out really short – I thought, well, I’ve already sung the chorus twice I don’t need to do it again, that’s what makes it a chorus! I think that being in New York influenced what I was trying to do with economy in song structure and instrumentation. It’s like, here’s what I’m trying to say. Okay, I said it. Now it’s over. Onto the next one.”  While in New York, Hitt also met likeminded souls, including future bandmates, Jack Ridley III (guitar, vocals), Erik Lee Snyder (bass) and Lakis E. Pavlou (drums).

After spending 2012 securing record deal and working hard on their gig schedule, they released a well-received EP 'Between Us Girls'. The first single off Drowners’ eponymous debut 'Luv, Hold Me Down' is a propulsive slice of perfect garage pop. “It brings across this sort of jovial misery,” says Hitt, “It’s kind of pop, like a lot of the rest of the record, but lyrically, it’s not as shiny as seems.”

https://twitter.com/DROWNERSBANDhttps://www.facebook.com/drownersofficialTrack Of The Day: Drowners - 'Luv, Hold Me Down'

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