A track that I heard weeks ago on BBC 6Music's brilliant weekend early morning show presented by Mary Anne Hobbs, and a song that has gathered enough popularity for this particular artist to feature in the NME's 'ones to watch' list for 2014. With shades of grunge, country and lo-fi, there's certainly no mistaking Courtney Barnett for a British artist, since the sound of 'History Eraser' clearly comes from a place where the sun lasts long into the day: in this instance Australia. With enjoyably lazed, deadpan vocals and raw guitars, this fine selection from the Melbourne singer-songwriter has put her firmly on the 2014 musical map. It's taken from 'The Double EP: A Sea Of Split Peas', which combines two releases that were issued last year in 2013. "The one thing that captivates me in a song is the honesty of a songwriter,” says Courtney, “And that doesn’t mean it has to be deep, dark personal secrets, it just means it has to be honest. It could be about walking to the shop, but if it’s said with that person’s perspective then it can make it interesting..."