When You Can’t Find the Words, Talk Trash with FanMojis
You could talk trash to your friends using words. But that seems like a throwback to the days when Big Games were denoted using Roman Numerals and an arbitrary bowl system decided college football’s king.

And Toyota isn’t about moving backward, even for fandom. No, Toyota is about going forward, and giving sports fans a new way to talk smack when their team thrashes their opponents.

The application is accessible for free on iOS and Android playstore, and the emojis can be used as a part of instant messages or on any social networking sites. Seahawks RB Fred Jackson is supporting the launch of the FanMojis campaign. Jackson, who is dynamic on both Twitter and Instagram, noted fans can use the emoticons during games to “digitally, commute home precisely how it is you’re feeling.” This comes after the Jaguars this mid year announced an team & player-particular emojis.

To support the new app, various TV spots are taking off during this time showcasing fans reactions. The promotions highlight minor departure from the brand’s “How about we Go Places” witticism, for example, “How about we Go Overtime,” “We should Go Playoffs” and “We should Go Superstitions.” Other games themed advertisements in the campaign incorporate the “Flawless Reception” spot. Saatchi and Saatchi took care of imaginative for both the TV spots and the emoji campaign for Toyota. The auto brand’s football promoting is sponsored by the ACC and halftime of ESPN’s “MNF.”
You can download the app now in the Apple store and view the first of four sports fandom spots here. #FanMojis
We feel it will be great app for all sports fans out there