Computing Magazine

Top Websites Where You Can Download Free Things

Posted on the 15 January 2016 by Savita Singh @Compgeekblog

Free , Free, Free 😀 Sounds like everything is free.  Today i found few sites where you can free download, You can find free things to download. Seems interesting do you want to know what exactly you will get from these sites. I am also excited to tell you.

Just go through on sites now and download free things.  Hope you enjoy to read this post and share it with others who are searching for same things.

Free Download Websites

1. – Here is first free thing, You can turn any youtube video into mp3. Free to download.

2.– Here is second free thing, Download and rip full Imgur, Flickr, or Instagram albums.

3. â€“ Here is third free thing, and It is one of the best thing. Are you book reader? There are over 45,000 books are available for free to download.

4. â€“ Here is forth most interesting free thing, Games wow 😀 Download free games from the 80s and 90s.

5. â€“ Here is fifth free thing, You can download any media from any website.

6. â€“ Here is sixth free thing, well download the Wikipedia archive.

7. Google Takeout â€“ Wow such a lovely seventh free thing, You can download your google data.

8. â€“ Here is eighth free thing, Download high resolution scans of historic art.

Wow I hope you find it helpful and download your free things now.

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