Hair & Beauty Magazine

Top Tips To Help You Like Tea Even More Than You Do Now Here In Australia

By Alyssa Martinez @ItsMariaAlyssa

For years here in Australia, tea has been the most popular beverage and it is the one thing that we look forward to when we wake up first thing in the morning. There is nothing quite like a morning routine that involves boiling the kettle and either making your tea in the cup itself or a teapot. Many different kinds of teas are available to us from all over the world and it means that we have a wide variety to choose from first thing in the morning and maybe later in the afternoon with some biscuits.

It is true to say that black tea is one of the more popular choices and it is a beverage that we tend to enjoy more than once every single day. It might be the case that years of drinking the same brew may have made it somewhat predictable and so now is the time to branch out to find out not only about other teas that exist but better ways to prepare them. The following are some top tips that will help you to like tea even more than you do now here in Australia.

  • Find teas that are easier to brew – Believe it or not some teas out there are more difficult to brew than others so it’s best to start with the easier ones. One of the first things that you need to do is to smell the leaves before you purchase but don’t let it put you off if they don’t smell quite like you would hoped because they may have a fantastic flavor. Many other teas don’t give off a strong smell at all but once you pour some hot water over them in a teapot, they change into something quite fantastic.
  • Make it part of your daily routine – If you decide to yourself that you’re going to try many different teas and you’re going to have at least one to 2 cups every single day then this will encourage you to invest in the things that you need to make a proper cups of tea. It is a whole process that you need to learn because some teas like boiling water while others don’t and loose tea requires some kind of filter.
  • Make the whole process fun – We have been drinking tea socially in Australia and indeed all over the world for many hundreds of years now and it isn’t going to stop any time soon. You must have fun while you enjoy Australia’s favorite beverage and so in right some friends for some stimulating conversation and even better, a stimulating cup of tea. There are many different styles of brewing for you to try.

As you can see, tea isn’t as simple as many people would have you believe so start experimenting and find the tea that is going to be perfect to start your day.

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