Hair & Beauty Magazine

Top Three Tuesday - Australian Online Stores

By Glossqueen @Gloss_Queen
A few years ago I rarely shopped for cosmetics and skin care in Australia because of the ridiculous prices. Now, thanks to companies lowering their prices, I find that it's often cheaper to buy my products here. I'm all for supporting the local economy, so if I can buy something here I will. There are lots of stores that I love, but the three who get most of my business was an easy one. 
First up is the Natural Supply Co - They launched last year with a slew of amazing brands and they keep on adding to them! If I go broke, I'll be blaming NSC. All their products are natural, cruelty free and low-toxic. Perfect. With brands like Bite Beauty, Yard Skincare and Lavanila (to name a few) you're sure to find something you love.

Next up is Adore Beauty - I've been shopping with Adore for years. When I first started shopping with them they only carried a few brands, now they carry heaps! Their prices are often cheaper than buying in store, shipping is free and the package arrives with a Tim Tam. What more could you want?

Of course this list wouldn't be complete without mentioning Mecca Cosmetica - They have a great range of prestige brands with free shipping when you spend over $75. Orders arrive to me in country Western Australia in two days, that's pretty amazing. On the odd occasion they've arrived the next day!

What are your favorite Australian stores?

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