Books Magazine

Top Ten Tuesdays: Ten Books on My Fall TBR List

Posted on the 22 September 2015 by Cheekymeeky

Today, the bloggers at The Broke and the Bookish have asked us to list our ten fall reads.

Top Ten Tuesdays: Ten Books on my Fall TBR List

This is a bit embarrassing. I had one long list of books that I mean to read in the next 2-3 months when I realized that I had created a similar TBR list for this summer. When I went back to check on the progress of my TBR list, I saw there was just one book that I actually touched from that list - Dangerous Women by George R.R. Martin, which I am dipping in and out of this past couple of weeks.

The rest of the books are sitting untouched gathering dust on my shelf.

It doesn't help also that I am in the midst of a staggeringly huge reading slump - one that I've not had in years. I have camouflaged it a bit cleverly on the blog all this summer by reading only YA and Fantasy - two genres that I can read in spite of a slump. But it's September now, and I haven't touched any books in my Man Booker reading list, and have read only one fairly lightweight classic - Lady Audley's Secret this past 6 months.

My slump is so bad that I've stopped accepting books for review, and even for the ones I did get, I have struggled to string together a couple of sentences talking about them, which means a record number of posts in my drafts queue, never to see the light of day.

Anyway, this post is not about my epic blogging/reading slump but books I'd like to read this fall. To do that, I'm gonna tweak my summer TBR list a bit, remove the heavy-duty books, and add some lighter reads, and cross my fingers that changing up my usual reading genres will make this slump go away.

Here we go:

  1. All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr - This is a book that remains on my TBR list. I planned to read it this summer, but never got around to it. Hopefully, will read this one soon.
  2. Pretties and Specials in the Uglies trilogy by Scott Westerfield- I think I am going to make the effort of tracking down these books in the library. I may not have liked Uglies the best of all the YA books I read this summer, but there's just something about its premise that makes me feel reading the rest of the books will be worth it. Let's see
  3. The Year of the Flood and Maddaddam by Margaret Atwood - I have meant to read these books for the past couple of years ever since I finished Oryx and Crake. I thought this would be a nice fit to read along with the Uglies trilogy since they seem to deal with a similar theme (ecological conservation), but in vastly different ways.
  4. Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes - When I heard about this book on Athira's blog, I immediately picked it up. Then reading slump hit and I never got around to it, I really want to tackle it this fall
  5. The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell - Just the size of this book is so intimidating, but it has gathered some really excellent reviews, and so I am going to pick it up hopefully.
  6. Top Ten Tuesdays: Ten Books on my Fall TBR List

  7. Wolf Hall by Hillary Mantel - This is a carry forward from my summer TBR list. It's embarrassing just how long I've been talking about this book without actually reading it. I should get to this one and soon.
  8. The Talented Mr.Ripley by Patricia Highsmith - Again a carry forward from my summer list. I loved the movie, and I definitely want to read this book.
  9. L.A Confidential by James Ellroy - Another oldie crime novel that's a carry forward from my summer TBR list.
  10. Far From the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy - I am feeling in the mood for a classic, and this book by Hardy seems like the perfect atmospheric and moody read. I"ll be honest, with the slump I am in correctly, I am more likely to get to this book in January.
  11. Drood by Dan Simmons - This is not a classic but deals with two great classic writers Charles Dickens and Wilkie Collins. Plus, there seems to be a lot of suspense, and I think it will be perfect for Halloween. I browsed through this book in the library and I am hooked. Hoping this book will finally kill my blah reading summer year.

How do you try to get over a reading slump? Do you do other things and wait for it to pass? What books are on your fall TBR list? Did you finish all the books you planned to read this summer?

So many questions, LOL!

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