Books Magazine

Top Ten Tuesday: Reasons To Read Young Adult

Posted on the 10 July 2012 by Theliteraturelion @LiteratureLion
Top Ten Tuesday: Reasons To Read Young AdultTop Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where you post the 'top ten' for each week.
This week, the top ten is: a freebie! I decided to do ten reasons why you should read young adult books! Some of these were tricky to think of, but I hope you enjoy!
1. Everyone is a kid at heart.
Everyone still has that childishness to them - there's no doubt about that! This kind of brings it out in everyone, even though you're not reading about kids, but rather teenagers. But you get the point.
2. Easy enough to relate to!The people who read young adult novels are adults and teenagers. That means that everyone has gone through the age group that you're reading about, or they're currently in that time frame. This makes it easier to relate to, I think!
3. The authors are awesome.There is no doubt that the authors that write young adult are the best in the business. They're just so kind and sweet and love to have fun, unlike other authors who are uptight and intimidating.
4. Extremely wide variety! It seems like there's only two genres in adult fiction: paranormal erotica and mystery. The list goes on and on for all the young adult genres there are!
5. The readers are cool.Who doesn't love teenagers. I mean, come on! ;)
6.  Awesomely bad-ass plot lines.
You know those really good books with fighting in them? Imagine an old person doing that. Yeah, not so interesting! Young adult characters are the only ones that can pull of the cool tricks!
7. Quick reads!
They're not exactly short, but they're so compelling that they just compel you and allow you to flip page after page and get sucked in!
8. In the future, it will be considered allegory.
All of the big books right now are young adult: Harry Potter, Twilight, Hunger Games, Divergent - the list goes on! In the future, it won't be references to Jane Austen, but rather JK Rowling!

9. The best movies are inspired by YA novels!
Like I said above, all of the big franchises are based off of young adult movies!
10. It. Is. Just. Awesome.
Simple as can be!
Top Ten Tuesday: Reasons To Read Young Adult

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