Deciding which website builder to use is almost as difficult as actually building your new website. There are literally hundreds of website builders all offering a platform to build your new online home on, but which ones are the best offers? In this article we will look at some of the best website builders and what makes them so much better than their competitors. These website builders are in no particular order, really, as long as you choose one from this list then you will be happy with your choice.

IM Creator was introduced in 2011 and has quickly become one of the go to website builders, mainly because all websites are created in HTML5 meaning they have been optimized for mobile devices and tablets. IM Creator comes with a large library of professional website templates in a plethora of different categories.

Weebly is one of those companies that has been around for ages, the company was one of the pioneers in HTML5 websites and templates. Everything is handled directly through the browser, meaning you can work on your site no matter where you are located, furthermore Weebly has a very user friendly interface, meaning whether you are a novice designer or experienced, there is something for everyone. All templates on Weebly are compatible with mobile devices, this means you don’t need to worry about whether or not people will be able to view your website from their smartphones.

There is a reason why Squarespace is powering millions of websites. Not only is their editor very user friendly, but also the service they offer is also amazing. Unlike other Website builders mentioned in this article, this company doesn’t offer a free version, however, they do offer a free 14 day trial, which should really be more than enough to make up your mind.

Wix was originally one of the pioneers of Flash based website builders, however, recently the company has switched to HTML5. Similar to IM Creator, the company has some very beautiful and professional templates. While Wix does offer a free version it does come with a lot of limitations.

If you are looking to create a free website, then Jimdo offers enough tools to create a very functional website without having to pay a single dime. Should you want to add more features, and then you can sign up for JimdoPro or JimdoBusiness. If you are starting an online store, then Jimdo offers some very effective ecommerce tools, which make managing your store so much easier. Furthermore Jimdo offers a large user forum where you can get support should you need it.