Welcome to year two of our weekly series of ‘link-up’ Posts which reflect on life’s journey, old memories and family stories (see below for more info).
As parents, we spend a good deal of time forcing our tormented offspring to clean their plates of the things they despise. As my youngest wailed over Sunday lunch yesterday (cabbage), it occurred to me that I ought to re-think the force-feeding strategy unless I want him to end up with foie gras for a liver.
As a child, there were, after all, certain foods that I simply could not tolerate myself. So perhaps it’s a little harsh to expect his taste buds to be quite as finely honed damaged by 40 years of alcohol and chicken jalfrezi as my own.
Here are my top 5 “I will not even entertain the thought of introducing that item into my gob” food stuffs from childhood:-
1. Bananas *gag*
2. Olives *wince*
3. Kidneys *why? is there NOTHING else in the house to eat?*
4. Mushrooms *too brown*
5. Spinach *too green*
There was also, of course, a top 5 ‘yum’ list. Had I been orphaned at an early age, I could quite happily have lived (well until I died a premature death from cardiovascular disease at least) on the following:-
1. Cheese on toast (sharp enough to make you cry and smothered with Worcestershire sauce)
2. Walkers Cheese & Onion crisps (even better with chopped up lumps of cheese shaken in to the bag)
3. Jam sandwiches (home made, lashings of butter)
4. Branston pickle (on a sandwich with cheese, preferably)
5. Monday night Bubble & Squeak (leftover Sunday roast and fried up veg. Phwoar.)
What were your top 5 most hated & most adored childhood foods? Have your tastes changed since then, or are they still on your ‘bleurgh’ list? Join in with a comment, or write your own Blog post and share in on our Linky. A new theme every week, always nostalgia based, just for fun.
Whatever you do, do justice to your memories – they are my bread and butter.
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More about the Life’s a Journey weekly memories series.
A selection of other posts from this series:-
Week 2 – Old School Portrait
Week 4 – Bestest Friends
Week 5 – Teenage Crushes
Week 6 – First Movie Memories
Week 9 – Favourite Childhood Books
Week 19 – Becoming a Parent
Week 25 – Old Boyfriends
Week 39 – My home town