TV & Video Magazine

Top 50 Vampires

Posted on the 23 January 2012 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

SFX Magazine have just released their list of the top 50 blood-suckers of all time, as voted for by their magazine / on-line readers. Eric Northman was a lowly 41 on their previous list in 2010, but thankfully voters have seen vampire sense this time around and he has climbed 39 places to number 2. This is what they had to say about him:

Eric the Viking. Once a phrase that immediately meant “flop comedy from the Monty Python guy”. Now it means, “Top Nordic vampire hottie.” Bill was supposed to be the alpha vampire on True Blood, but – although far from unpopular – he was eclipsed by his blond nightclub owner boss in the popularity stakes (if “stakes” isn’t too sensitive a word to use). As in so many other cases (Spike and Damon, for instance) he benefitted from the fact that he didn’t have to be the nice guy. Far from it – he’s an utter git, chaining Lafayette to a slave wheel, and tricking Sookie into drinking his blood. Not to mention all the killing. But it’s more than that. Eric is just so inherently cool. So cool it doesn’t matter if he does a bit of killing while getting his hair dyed; or if he cries when his maker dies; or if he wears a shell suit. He remains untouchable cool. Hell, he’s survived centuries with the name Eric. That’s how cool he is.



source- true blood wikia

He was beaten to top spot by Damon from The Vampire Diaires (and I think I’d better not comment on that!). All in all there was an excellent showing for True Blood, with Russell at 21, Jessica at 11, Bill at 9 and Pam at 5.

See the whole of the top 50 here and let us know what you think of the results in the comments.



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