Fashion Magazine

Top 5 Wedding Necessities To Have For Your Big Day

By Demi Mist @Beautyandmist

Counting days for the big day involves a lot of up and down activities to ensure everything is perfect last to the smallest detail. Delegating is the best way to ensure that you and your partner are not overwhelmed during the big day. However, a few things are vital for success. Here are the top 5 wedding necessities to have for your big day.

Wedding Rings

Wedding rings are one of the essential items for your ceremony. It's vital to have a trusted groomsman to carry the setup when exchanging vows. Consider getting insurance for the wedding rings and engagement rings to protect the considerable investment. Testing the stones and quality before the wedding right after buying them is vital. Also knowing your budget is key. You may want something like a 7 Carat Asscher Cut Diamond Ring, but if it's going to put you back then perhaps something more conservative until a later time will be a better choice. Opt to buy from reputable dealers as some unscrupulous dealers can use low-quality grade stones or, worse, fake ones, resorting one to find a law office to sue for damages.

Marriage License

Make the marriage licenses application at least three months before the big day. Depending on your state, you might need to go to the county clerk's office and pay a small fee for the license. Order several licenses in case of an emergency. Before the ceremony begins, you want to be sure you have a license to sign as proof for the wedding ceremony.

Play Band and Musicians

Entertainment during a wedding is the backbone that keeps it memorable. When selecting your choice band and musician, keep in mind the list of songs you want them to perform. Give them a plan on their role in the wedding, whether to stop during speeches or play continuously in the background. However, choose a band that suits well with the overall theme.

Transportation Vehicles

Before choosing vehicles for transportation during the wedding, search for great reviews for vendors. Insist on inspecting the car before and confirm in writing it's the one you want. On the day of the wedding, ask early for the vehicle to come to your premises so you can inspect the decor. If a different car is there, you have a legal case and can sue for emotional distress and breaking a contract through a law office.


A licensed officiator is necessary for the wedding. Not only will they preside over the ceremony, but they will also help ensure all the proper signatures on and documentation for filing. Most of the time people choose a preacher or bishop. But the best thing to do is to find someone you know and trust.

There is a lot of planning involved in a wedding, that is to be suspected. The best thing to do is to delegate as much as you can to those you trust have your best interest in mind and will follow instructions. Don't be afraid to say no or that you don't like something. Stay in your budget

About the author:

Rachelle Wilber is a freelance writer living in the San Diego, California area. She graduated from San Diego State University with her Bachelor's Degree in Journalism and Media Studies. She tries to find an interest in all topics and themes, which prompts her writing. When she isn't on her porch writing in the sun, you can find her shopping, at the beach, or at the gym. Follow her on Twitter and Facebook: @RachelleWilber;

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