Findinga good quality towel rail can be difficult with so many to choose from thesedays, to help I have compiled a list below of my top 5 heated towel rails,taking in to account design, quality and prices from the Discounted Heating website which I find to be among the cheapest online.
Abacus Elegance Micro Heated Towel Rails
Thesetowel rails have been specifically designed for smaller rooms where wall spaceis limited and are an ideal choice for en-suite and cloakrooms, they are availablein 2 sizes in white, chrome or stainless steel and offer reasonable outputs forthe sizes, overall these space saving rails are good value for money and offera decent quality finish.
The Radiator Company Picchio Heated Towel Rails
Ireally like these towel rails, their made to a high quality finish and offer awide range of sizes in either white or chrome, looks wise these rails arestunning and would suit any modern décor, I think the prices for what you getwith these beautifully designed towel rails are exceptional!
Reina Palmari Chrome 900 x 500mm Heated Towel Rail
Thisinexpensive designer towel rail offers an alternative design to the standardtowel rail with a clever bar configuration that enables hanging of up to 4large towels at the same time, it has a very modern and stylish look that isvery pleasing to the eye and made to a good high standard, overall this usefultowel rail is fantastic value for money!
Ultraheat Buckingham Chrome Heated Towel Rails
TheUltraheat Buckingham chrome heated towel rail has a classic Victorian design witha towel rail top bar. Along with an impressive output that can be a sufficient roomheater as well as a towel warmer, these towel rails are made to a good qualitystandard, offer a choice of 2 sizes and are one of the cheapest available for this type of design, however in my opinion it offersjust as much as the more expensive models.
Kudox Kube 800mm x 600mm Heated Towel Rail
TheKudox Kube heated towel rail has a stylish design that will make a statement aswell as providing a functional use, finished in chrome this towel rail has aimpressive appearance, good output for the size and priced moderately low forthe quality.
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