Interested in learning Spanish as a second language in South America? Dreaming of a career in international business? Fallen in love with a native Spanish speaker?
These are just a few reasons why one may want to take on the task of becoming bilingual in Spanish. As the world’s second most spoken language, it is clear how essential it has become to learn Spanish, and what better way to learn than to immerse yourself in a South America! Full of history, breathtaking landscapes, and rich culture, here are our top 5 best countries to learn Spanish in South America.
- Chile

Chile is quite impressive with its widely contrasting landscapes. From the wilderness to the Andes to the rivers of Patagonia, Chile is just as enchanting as any fairytale story from your childhood. The biggest difference in the Spanish spoken in Chile is that it is heavily influenced by the dialect spoken in southern Spain. Pronunciation varies significantly from its South American neighbors as well as the use of the formal Usted. The Spanish you will learn in Chile will be much different from the Spanish you will learn in Argentina or in Colombia, which could be something worth considering if you plan to travel throughout South America. Chileans are also notorious for their fast paced Spanish speaking abilities. Be prepared to give yourself sometime to learn to keep up with the conversation. Luckily, Chileans are rather patient and always encouraging of those trying to learn Chilean Spanish.
The metropolis of Santiago is top choice for a collection of different Spanish learning programs. With several chains and additional independent programs, there is a wide array of options for travelers looking to learn Spanish in Chile. Regardless of which route you decide to take, you will undoubtedly learn the unique Chilean slang no university elsewhere can teach you. Better yet, you will be able to practice it all throughout your Chilean travels.
- Ecuador

Ecuador is an excellent place to learn Spanish while enjoying South American culture. Ecuador moves on a much slower pace creating a very laidback atmosphere in which people from all over the world can seamlessly coexist. Ecuador also boasts diverse sce
nery, including the Andes, the Amazon Rainforest and the Galapagos islands. The cost of living is quite low so be sure to take advantage of all the natural beauty Ecuador has to offer.
The capital city of Quito is home to a variety of schools in which you can learn Spanish. In contrast to Chile, the Spanish is spoken at a much slower pace and the accent can be easily imitated. However, there are very few Ecuadorians in Quito who speak English, so be aware that you will need to rely on your Spanish speaking abilities to maneuver throughout the city. For more of a coastal Caribbean feel, Guayaquil serves as the country’s seaport and remains an essential piece of the true identity of Ecuador. Plentiful in seafood and tropical music, Ecuador is a great place to learn Spanish in South America.
- Peru

Peru is an exquisite country luxuriant in mystifying history as well as some of the most recognizable travel destinations in the world. With the highly sought after Machu Picchu and Peruvian amazon, Peru grants it’s international travelers the experience of a lifetime. Also known for its simplicity, the Spanish spoken in Peru renders deep pronunciation and a fluidity of style that is easily recognizable. Additionally, Peru’s friendly population will allow you to practice your Spanish with the locals.
Cusco is by far the most favored location to learn SpanishinPeru. The attraction of Machu Picchu alone is enough to entice those looking to learn Spanish in South America. However, as a result of the booming tourism industry, you will find many locals will quickly turn to English when providing directions or offering a recommendation. While there are other popular destinations in Peru, such as Lima and Arequipa, they currently do not have the capacity to provide travelers the same opportunities to learn Spanish as does Cusco. Choosing the best city for you in Peru is ultimately a matter of personal preference. Whichever you maychoose you will find Peru to be abundant in natural beauty,fine cuisine, and good people.
- Colombia

While Colombia embodies a variety of different customs, from food to music to overall landscape, one thing that remains constant is the clarity of the Spanish spoken throughout. Colombia is ideal for a per
son who has never spoken a word of Spanish in their lifetime as the native people speak rather slowly and quite clearly. The lack of a strong accent makes it easier for those who are at the very basic level of learning Spanish. If you choose to study Spanish in Colombia, you will undoubtedly experience the Spanish language in one of its most pure forms.
The two best places to learn Spanish in Colombia are Medellín and Cartagena. Medellín is a great city within Colombia that cultivates a cosmopolitan feel and just so happens to be located in the heart of the nation’s coffee district. With mild temperatures and an abundance of city sights, Medellín has come a long way from the notorious days of Pablo Escobar. Cartagena is a great option for those seeking a tropical climate. The port city is infamous for high temperatures and even higher humidity. With cobblestone streets and c
olorful colonial buildings, Cartagena is a popular choice for those looking to learn Spanish during the week and retreat to the white sand beaches on the weekend. Clearly, Colombia has more to offer its international visitors than just the foundation needed for speaking Spanish.
- Argentina

Argentina is our number one best place to learn Spanish in South America. With the cosmopolitan capital of Buenos Aires, vast rural countryside, and glacier-filled Patagonia, Argentina truly inhabits the best of all worlds. As a country rich in history and culture, Argentina constantly draws forth the attention of a vibrant international crowd. From Brazil to Europe to the USA, Argentina has established itself as a haven for expats from all over the w
orld. Naturally, most expats reside in Buenos Aires, a city with limitless activities and a never-ending nightlife. The city’s diverse atmosphere is evident in the various different barrios throughout the city, such as bohemian-centric San Telmo and the lively streets of Palermo Soho. Whether you are seeking to dance tango in Plaza Dorrego, attend a futbol game in the famous Bombonera, or enjoy some of the world’s best meat in a traditional parrilla, Buenos Aires certainly has something to offer to all.
In addition to its energetic culture and animated scenery, Buenos Aires provides the most unique learning experience to those pursuing the art of speaking Spanish. The Spanish spoken in Buenos Aires, castellano, is arguably the most beautiful dialect of the Spanish language. With the help of yours truly, Expanish, you will be speaking like a native Argentine in no time! Here at Expanish we offer high quality Spanish educational programs including weekly courses, study abroad, and volunteer placements in Argentina. We strive to combine education with cultural immersion to provide the best possible experience to each and every person who steps foot through our doors. We are proud to be known as one of the best Spanish schools in all of Latin America and Spain, with notable accreditations and awards from various organizations around the world. Expanish is a leader in immersion programs and a provider of top quality services to hundreds of students every year. If you would like more information about our school, please do not hesitate to contact us through our website at