Lifestyle Magazine

Top 10 Reasons to Try a Triathlon

By Erynecarter06

Today on the blog is a guest post from one of my SweatPink sisters, Michelle at IronWoman Strong. And we’re talking Triathlons. Make sure to head over to her blog and show her some love :)



That is a sport for extreme athletes, right? Wrong. Very wrong.

I started training for triathlons a year ago after getting married. I went from couch to triathlon addict in two seconds flat! Since then I have grown both physically and mentally. There are so many amazing reasons to get into this sport but let’s just start with 10!

Here are the TOP 10 reasons you should try a triathlon.

1. Try something new

It’s always nice to get out of the mundane so if you have never raced in a triathlon it will be new and excited for you.

2. Sense of accomplishment

There is nothing more satisfying than training hard for a race and then crossing the finish line. It gives you such a sense of accomplishment. The great thing is that the accomplishment is yours forever. No one can take it away!

3. You don’t have to be great in just one sport

Triathlon consists of three disciplines – swim, bike and run. If you aren’t a great swimmer, then you can make up time in the bike or run. Or vice-versa in any of the three!


4. Good influence on others

This is especially true if you have children. They watch and learn from you. If you are out there trying something new and working hard, it will show them that they too can reach for hard things. You never know who you are influencing and motivation when you are working out.

5. Never get bored

You have three sports to choose from when you are training. This keeps you from getting bored with doing the same workout over and over again. Already ran 3 times this week…bike or swim. It will break up the monotony of workouts.

6. Community

The triathlon community is extremely close and very welcoming. Find a local tri club to train with and you will never be short of training partners, advice and friendship.

swim bike run st louis
My local tri club is Swim Bike Run of St. Louis!

7. It’s cool

Who doesn’t want to say, “Oh, hey…I did a triathlon this weekend.”? Major cool points for doing stepping outside the box and doing something new!

8. Get into shape

With three disciplines to train, you are likely to feel healthier and fit. It is hard to eat bad food when you just ran 4 or 5 miles. Triathlon tends to clean up your diet without you noticing.

9. Expand your fitness

If you are a gym rat, then getting outside and running will only improve your overall fitness. Triathlon is great for cross training and allowing your body to build endurance.

10. It’s Fun

Seriously…triathlon is fun. You get to swim around, then go for a little bike and then a run. What’s not to love?

This is an official warning

For those brave enough to attempt a triathlon and do something awesome – triathlons are addicting.

You have been warned!

If you would like to know more about me and my journey on becoming an Ironman triathlete, please follow me!

Website/blog: Ironwoman Strong

Instagram: @Ironwomanstrong

Twitter: @Ironwomanstrong

Pinterest: Trispiration


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