Advertising on the web is an important part of the marketing strategy nowadays as many of the target audiences for various types of products spend a lot of time online. For the ad to look attractive and catch the interest of the target audiences online the following are the top 10 things that the advertiser needs to know:
An online ad campaign is different from ad campaigns on other media. It is based on the number of “clicks” generated. There are a lot of different components added to a web ad like various multimedia clips etc.

Responsive Web Design is very important as people view these ads from different devices like smartphones, laptops and personal computers. These ads have to be responsive to the screen size of the device and change their size accordingly to fit on the device.

More and more people are using varied computer devices today. Advertisers can take the help of web designers to create responsive web ads as it is the future of web advertising.

There are various types of web ads that advertisers use to convey their message online. Some examples include text ads with compelling text messages and also display ads that have graphics as well as text on them.

Display ads which are popular include Box Ads, Banner Ads, Skyscraper Ads that are displayed vertically generally at the edges, Pop up Ads and Interstitial Ads.

The type of ad, the space required for the ad and the website where it is to be displayed is to be decided. Generally website with related content to the ad is chosen, as target audience is more likely to visit the website.

An important part of creating the ad is to ascertain the technology and content that is to be used in the advertisement. Also the actual design of the ad must be attractive enough to catch the attention of the target audience.
There are online tools like AdSense that help understand the effectiveness of the ad which is a useful tool to keep in mind.

Online ad formatting is also important and one must know whether Flash or HTML is more suitable for the advertisement.

Online Marketing is the future as many people will buy products based on ads they see online. Local websites also generate revenue through advertisements of local establishments on their websites.

These were the things needed to know to create attractive web ads.
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