Life Coach Magazine

Too Many Lies, Too Much Bondage

By Saurabh2461986 @saurabhslounge

a poem on life and lies
Feeling proud of demeanor
Hiding the real fervor
Too many lies, too much bondage
You keep following this adage!
Look inside or look outside
Or even look at either side
The night has fallen apart
Day is waiting to start
Staying in deep silence
Prone to the resilience
Attracted to the temptations
Held back due to hesitations
Hope to get a helping hand
Support you till you mend
The wait driving you insane
Slowly burning out the flame
Enclosing yourself from within
What's the use of this way of livin'?
Doors bolted in your head one by one
But wait, it's still not done!
Ignoring your instincts, nevertheless
Creating a mess
Too many lies, too much bondage
You keep following this adage!

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