Not gonna lie.
I’m still having a little trouble reconciling myself to the fact that Toddlers & Tiaras may be gone for good. I can tell this is gonna be a long process.
I’m missing my guilty pleasure giggles and flabbergasted forehead slaps. Not to mention all the Life Lessons learned each week.
I’m talking about those classic T&T Moments. The ones that made us spit our drinks out and then hit Rewind on the remote. The ones worthy of the TLC Time Capsule.
Classic. And outrageous. And there were lots of them. Especially the outrageous ones.
The ones that made us laugh more than they should have…and taught us more than we ever needed to know.
Like my girl Paisley, who showed all the Haters how to turn a yellow Muppet Show wig and a couple of wobbly runway struts into mini superstardom.
Umm. Hello? Drama Queen on E! anyone? Or movies? Or photo shoots and airline peanuts on cross country trips to Hollywood? Because that’s totally happening, bitches.
Or Mia-donna, who taught me how a true diva should always enter a coat check room at the club. Running with scissors is so over rated. Try these bad boys.
And don’t forget Makenzie and her keen eye for fashion. And Kayla. Who…well…you know. Suck it, Miley. So TLC, you bring back my show. Now. You wouldn’t like me when I don’t get my way. I’m kind of a big deal in the Toddler Blogosphere, mmmkay? Just sayin’. So bring it back and I promise I’ll be happy. Happy. And pretty fabulous.